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Back to Weed-feeders Table of Contents Hyles euphorbiae by Rich Hansen, USDA-APHIS-PPQ, Forestry Sciences Lab, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT 59717-0278. Leafy spurge is an Eurasian perennial that was introduced into North America in the 19th century. The leafy spurge hawk moth was the first classical biological agent released against leafy spurge in the United States, with approval for introduction granted in 1965. Populations of this insect are present in several western states, including Montana, Idaho, and Oregon. Appearance Adult moths are large (length: 2-3 cm, wingspan: 5-7 cm) day- flying moths that often exhibit a hummingbird-like flight while visiting flowers. The body is light brown with various white and dark brown markings, while the wings have a conspicuous tan, brown, and pink or red color pattern. H. euphorbiae larvae are found feeding on leafy spurge leaves. The caterpillars are also conspicuously colored, with a pronounced tail or "horn" near the rear end. Young larvae are variously patterned with green, yellow, and black; older larvae have a distinctive red, black, yellow, and white color pattern. Mature larvae may approach 10 cm in length; when disturbed, they regurgitate a slimy green liquid. Pupae are 3.5-5 cm long and dark brown, and are found in the soil. Habitat Leafy spurge-infested grasslands. Pests attacked The host range of H. euphorbiae appears restricted to plants in the subgenus Esula of the genus Euphorbia. In Europe, this caterpillar feeds on leafy spurge and several other closely-related spurge species. There are a few native Euphorbia spp. in the U.S. that could potentially be hosts for H. euphorbiae, though no feeding has yet been documented under field conditions. H. euphorbiae will not feed on poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima), and crop species and native plants outside the genus Euphorbia will not be attacked. Life cycle Adult moths are present beginning in early to mid-summer. After mating, females lay small clusters of eggs on leafy spurge foliage. After hatching, larvae consume leafy spurge leaves and flowers. Mature larvae enter the soil to pupate. There are one or two generations per year, with soil-inhabiting pupae as the overwintering stage. Relative effectiveness H. euphorbiae larvae defoliate leafy spurge plants, but this damage seems to have little or no impact on spurge populations. In addition, hawk moth populations generally remain low in an area, due to predation and disease. Thus, H. euphorbiae plays only a very minor role in leafy spurge biological control. Pesticide susceptibility The herbicide 2,4-D appears to have no direct impact on H. euphorbiae populations. Conservation For general information about conservation of natural enemies, see Conservation in the Tutorial section on this site, or the Feature Article on conservation in the Midwest Biological Control News. Commercial availability Not known. References Batra, S. W. T. (1983) Establishment of Hyles euphorbiae (L.) (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae) in the United States for control of two weedy spurges, Euphorbia esula L. and E. cyparissias L. J. NY Entomol. Soc. 91: 304-311. Rees, N. E. and Fay, P.K. (1989) Survival of leafy spurge hawk moths (Hyles euphorbiae) when exposed to 2,4-D or picloram. Weed Technol. 3: 429-431. Back to Weed-feeders Table of Contents |
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