
American Entomological Institute provides information on “the taxonomy, biology, distribution and species-richness of North American Ichneumonidae.
The Association of Natural Bio-control Producers
Auburn University Biological Control Institute
Biological Control Information Center maintained by North Carolina State University
Biological Control News
Biological Control of Pests in Forests of Eastern United States maintained by University of Massachusetts Amherst
Catalogue of Introductions of Pathogens and Nematodes for Classical Biological Control of Insects and Mites pdf by Ann E. Hajek, Michael L. McManus, and Italo Delalibera Junior of the Forest Health Technology Enterprise Team
Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants, University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences
CICP, the Consortium for International Crop Protection's international IPM information/communication network
Chromolaena odorata - Biocontrol of Siam weed
Cornell’s Insect Diagnostic Laboratory Factsheets
Database of IPM Resources - from IPMNet
Databases of Insect Pathogen EDWIP and VIDIL by University of Illinois
Fungi as Biocontrol Agents of Pest Insects of Agricultural Crops, a project of the Plant Protection Research Unit at Cornell University
Global Crop Pest Identification Services in IPM in both English and Spanish
Gypsy Moth in North America page of the USDA Forest Service Northeastern Research Station
IPMnet - North Carolina State University, the (U.S.) National IPM Network
Insect Parasitic Nematodes, Ohio State University
Intercropping for Aphid Control in Lettuce, Dr. Eric Brennan USDA-ARS Cornell University Biological Control of Non-Indigenous Plant Species - including information about biological control projects on Eurasian milfoil, garlic mustard, phragmites, and purple loosestrife
IOBC (International Organization for Biological Control)
Iowa State Entomology Index of Internet Resources - The directory and search engine of insect-related resources on the internet.
Least Wanted: Alien Plant Invaders of Natural Areas by the Plant Conservation Alliance’s Alien Plant Working Group
Michigan State University, Department of Entomology, Landis Lab Insects and Landscape Ecology
National IPM Information System
National Information System for the Regional IPM Centers
Nematodes as Biological Control Agents of Insects, University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Pest Management Regulatory Agency of Canada, Alternatives Division
Plant Pathology Internet Guide Book, global listings of plant pathology, entomology, bacteriology, mycology, and virology sites, and including coverage of meetings, symposia, congresses, online journals, jobs, related software, searchable databases and more. An incredible resource!
Purple Loosestrife InfoCentre, of the Manitoba Purple Loosestrife Project
Purple Loosestrife Reference Page Invasive plants in the Upper Connecticut River Valley, maintained by the Upper Valley Purple Loosestrife Coalition.
Society for Invertebrate Pathology
Suppliers of Beneficial Organisms in North America lists of suppliers and of organisms sold compiled by Charles D. Hunter, California Enviornmental Protection Agency
The Purple Pages a website on purple loosestrife from Michigan Sea Grant.
University of California Statewide IPM Project
University of Florida - Center for Aquatic and Invasive Weeds
University of Minnesota Biological Control of Eurasian Watermilfoil
What is Integrated Pest Management (IPM)?
