Welcome to the Biological Control Site
This guide provides photographs and descriptions of biological control (or biocontrol) agents of insect, disease, and weed pests in North America. It is also a tutorial on the concept and practice of biological control and integrated pest management (IPM). Whether you are an educator, a commercial grower, a student, a researcher, a land manager, or an extension or regulatory agent, we hope you will find this information useful. The guide currently includes individual pages of over 100 natural enemies of pest species, and we envision continued expansion. On each of these pages you will see photographs, descriptions of the life cycles and habits, and other useful information about each natural enemy.
Four types of natural enemies are included in this guide. Click on an image above to learn more about these natural enemies.
Photos: Parasitoid, @DOlmstead; Pathogen, Penn State Image Library; Predator, J. Ogrodnick; Weed Feeder, R. Richard

 Coccinella septempunctata